TIPAX is near to 60 years old. It means 60 years of intends for presenting new services with considering of social responsibility as an inevitable part of its business and also makes strategies for it.
It is because of TIPAX’s social responsibility in assisting and playing an effective role in society especially in critical conditions. TIPAX was always trying to benefit from its own facilities and make an effective step in the field of transportation and logistics.
One of the major functions of TIPAX was cooperating with Red Crescent Voluntaries Org. which was strengthened in last year. It means transfer of public helps to various districts of country because of flooding in March.2020 and especially southeast parts of country in which TIPAX made itself to help people and play its social role as well as possible.
Through the Coronavirus period and in spite of all created prohibitions, TIPAX did not stop its role and tried to send continuously various food stuffs, hospital equipment and also Mask & Handkerchief to deprived areas throughout the country besides Red Crescent Voluntaries Organization.
Upon all above-mentioned cooperation, finally a Letter of Agreement was made between Red Crescent Society & “TIPAX” Co. on 03. June.2020 through a mutual visiting in that organization. According to the mentioned Letter of Agreement, today TIPAX is proud to play its role as effective & organized as possible in transfer of humanistic helps to farthest parts of country and trough facilitating any transfer and delivery of public helps in accidents and calamities.
Some of the most important items of the mentioned Letter of Agreement are performing common projects at normal conditions along with holding by-person & On-line educational courses of Assisting & First Aids for TIPAX personnel. The above-mentioned Letter of Agreement was signed by Mohammad Nassiri as the Head of Red Crescent Voluntaries Organization and Mehrdad Fakher as the Managing Director of “TIPAX” Company.
After appreciating all cooperation of TIPAX with Red Crescent Society in transfer of assisting & health cargos to damaged people out of flooding and epidemic Coronavirus, head of Red Crescent Voluntary Org. said: “Such a cooperation in the field of Crisis Logistics has been changed into a successful pattern. It is necessary to confirm that quick reactions at crisis is a value added of “TIPAX” Co. for Red Crescent Society”.
Nassiri was also hopeful to see better programs for development of districts in country upon signing such a Letter of Agreement.
Mehrdad Fakher, as the managing director of “TIPAX” Co. has also confirmed its social responsibility as the major worry of TIPAX and said: “We hope to find out more fields of interaction and performing common plans in addition to continuous cooperation with Red Crescent Society”.
This is necessary to mention that, both parties focused on benefiting from all facilities and infrastructures for better sending of charities to damaged people out of accidents. Also, they agreed to continuous their efforts in providing post & courier networks at national & international levels.